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Лого The three Billy Goats Gruff

The three Billy Goats Gruff

23 января 2015 |  DROIDOFF


The three Billy Goats Gruff - красивая игра, которая понравится как детям, так и взрослым.

Interactive fairytale game for kids.
Help the three Billy Goats Gruff to pass the troll, the bridge and reach the sunny Hillside.

Fun for kids from 2 and up.
No reading skills required.
Great replay value!

Drag the goats forward with your finger!
Press the goats or other objects in the surroundings to explore funny sounds and events.

Choose between English or Norwegian voicing.Interactive fairytale game for kids.



Help the three Billy Goats Gruff to pass the troll, the bridge and reach the sunny Hillside.

Fun for kids from 2 and up.
No reading skills required.
Great replay value!

Drag the goats forward with your finger!
Press the goats or other objects in the surroundings to explore funny sounds and events.

Choose between English or Norwegian voicing.

Android 2.2 и выше

Ваша оценка: Нет Средняя: 5 (1 голос)


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