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Лого Last Hope - Heroes Zombie TD

Last Hope - Heroes Zombie TD

7 июля 2015 |  DROIDOFF


Last Hope - Heroes Zombie TD - выбирайте своего героя с уникальными способностями, а также создавайте и прокачивайте линию обороны дабы защититься от бесчисленного количества зомби.

Zombie Tower Defense: Join the ongoing war, in an open world, against the undead zombie horde. Choose between multiple powerful heroes all with unique epic gear and skills! With the wide variety of towers you can create your own perfect strategy.

This game is an Android Exclusive Title.



- Choose between the cute Princess, mighty Barbarian or mysterious Scout.
- Each hero has three special skills(Arrow Rain, Hammer Strike, Missiles, etc...)
- Epic god skills, destroy the undead with one heavenly strike or shake the zombies by moving the earth.
- A unique Research tree for each tower. (Arrow, Mortar, Sentry, Stomp, Poison, Anti-air...)
- Defender towers and hero companions help you on your adventure.
- Enjoy visually stunning battlefields in full 3D
- Multiple zombies and Boss monsters are waiting to rush you! Challenging your defense and strategy.

Download this fun free game and get ready for some intense boss battles!

Android 2.3.3 и выше

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